
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
13 zoekresultaten gevonden met "Larry Fessenden":
Fangoria#210 p.62 Wendigo's World
Lurking in the deep woods is one of the best indie features in years, courtesy of filmmaker Larry Fessenden. Fango Seal of Approval.
Fangoria#213 p.61 No Telling
Fangoria#266 p.44 The Cold Truth About The Last Winter
Larry ("Wendigo") Fessenden tackles the global-warming issue with a fright film set in frigid climes.
Fangoria#266 p.47 A Fix of Scareflix
Larry Fessenden started Scareflix in 2003 as an offshoot of his idependent production company Glass Eye Pix.
Fangoria#276 p.71 The Last Winter
DVD of the Month
Fangoria#286 p.66 I Sell the Dead - Grave Undertakings
Larry Fessenden, a promising new director and a few genre names dig up a saga of corpse snatching and living corpses. Fangoria Seal of Approval.
Fangoria#300 p.86 Wendigo
Fangoria#325 p.32 It Came From Beneath
Larry Fessenden takes to the water for another exploration of how nature can strike back.
Fangoria#326 p.22 They're First
Ti West gets the point as doomed houseguest Tariq.
Fangoria#337 p.34 ABCs of Death 2 - More Scarlet Letters
There are 26 new and very different brands of fear on view in the anthology sequel.
Fangoria#345 p.30 Casting The Art Of Horror
Genre Renaissance man Larry Fessenden celebrates three decades of unique films and looks forward to more.
Fangoria#349 p.84 Larry Fessenden's Depraved Difference
The indie horror veteran is back with a new spin on a horror staple.
Fangoria#357 p.82 COVID Cinema
How a pandemic has changed the way Hollywood works.